Saturday, August 23, 2014


Celeste E Weston via Unsubscribe

1:35 PM (22 minutes ago)
to me
Surely Celeste

This is it.
    Going Once, Going Twice... (closing) 
 Holy smokes! A couple of days ago we
officially opened up the doors to the Top Producer Formula LIVE webcast. ...
 When the doors opened a tidal wave of folks went rushing to the registration 
 page to secure their seat for the webcast. That built-up demand
pretty much FILLED the entire webcast within AN HOUR of opening. 
And that kind of sucks if you want to get in and have put it off... 
So that's why I'm telling YOU that RIGHT NOW is probably 
your last, best chance to register for the Top Producer Formula 
LIVE webcast. Click here to register now: 

 If you're READY to have some golden nuggets dropped on 
you David Wood is ready (and able) to teach you
 it takes to become a top producer. It's go time, or it'll be "OH NO!" 
time later... Do the right thing and register your seat now:
 The webcast starts tomorrow at 2:00 P M EST and spots are 
already about to fill up.  I really hope you're able to get in while spots are left. 

 Go here and secure your spot NOW!!
Celeste  Weston

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