Thursday, August 21, 2014

Meat Lovers... Love Meat...Love Freedom...Love Choices

Check me Now 
Lucky Boy's Breakfast Burrito really makes the point...About meat Lovers...
Now that's a real meat lover....
O K that has More Meat.. but here is Lawrence's Point.  Check it
out... He makes a great analysis...
[" Hey there, Meat Lover's...
Have you seen these Jack in the Box breakfast burrito Ads?
It's one of their new menu items for breakfast.
In big Letters
So ...Do you think this message is for those who
- Don't eat meat--- Vegan --- Vegetarian
- Cutting down on eating meat ?????
If the answer is NO
Then you understand a fundamental principle of selling and advertising.
Jack in the Box is "TARGETING" a specific audience for their new menu item.
Breakfast + Burrito + Meat Lover's
If you love MEAT, Burrito's and Breakfast
That's me.                
 My Point   -is
There are a lot of people LIKE me.
And they are okay selling to me and people like me.
Here is the funny part...
I tried to buy it because I needed something real quick to eat while I drove the kids to 6 Flags.
- 6 flags is roller coaster and water ride amusement park
We decided late last night to drive (3hr drive)
Just because it's summer
So check this out.
We drive up to order this meat lover burrito
And the lady at the counter tells me
"Sorry Sir, we do NOT have any tortillas"
2 Things hit me right there.
1) She just called me "SIR"
2) When I can't get something... I REALLY WANT IT NOW
Dang it...
Meat Lover's in my mind now....
This is the same for this new Training that is coming up this Saturday Aug 23.
Click here for access 
It's LIVE only ONCE and I do NOT want to miss it.
And this LIVE webinar is for people like me.
Someone who:
1) doesn't like working a 9 - 5 job
2) doesn't like cubicles
3) wants to make enough money for my wife to never work a job
4) make enough for me to essentially stay home...
5) oh... I hate driving in traffic... blaaah
This LIVE webinar this saturday 
Is something I study because it is for people
Click for your spot

Someone who rather be riding a roller coaster
Selling cool products and making a living,
Without me being stuck on the phone,
Without me being stuck at work,
Without me being stuck in traffic,
Without me being stuck making less than 10k per month,
And that is why I am a student of this type of marketing.
I love automation.
I love working my own hours
I love working from home
I love having my freedom
This is what is on the menu this Saturday
A Big Burrito wrapped in how to...
- sell without selling
- how to generate leads for any business
- how to connect with thousands and build long lasting relationships
I'll buy that each and every time.
And so should you.
Because you are reading our emails  and looking for ways to increase revenue, sales, leads....] 
Now Lawrence and I have a lot of differences but we are in the same business.
We don't meet eye to eye on what a Big Breakfast Burrito is but I agree with him and his wife need to be there Saturday, Aug 23, 2013, 2 PM  
This is a LIVE presentation that I will be on and so should you.
Click for your spot:
see you there
-  Celeste
P S    Who do you think picks the best Meat Lovers burrito?

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