Friday, August 29, 2014


MONEY MONEY MONEY With TOP PRODUCER FORMULA with                         Gg                                                      THIS FREE REPORT NOW... 

Grow Your Business and Gain the FREEDOM you've always wanted as a Top Producer.

 Get it now, for free.
Just enter your best email address below, Get your free reportand we'll send you

 Everyone, and I Mean EVERYONE 

Told Me I Was Nuts When I Said I 

Was on a Mission to Create 100 

New Millionaires...They Said That

Until I Hit 10 New Millionaires 

Created.  Now the Count is at 13...

Are You Ready to Be Next?


This Exclusive Report isn't just 

another "free report", this is literally 

 the essence of "The Secret 

Formula" that's allowed me to out-

recruit anyone else you probably 


I'm not kidding when I say, I've used EXACTLY 
what you'll discover in this EXCLUSIVE REPORT 
to recruit over 5,000 people into my current 
business in the just last 2 1/2 years.This is the EXACT 
strategy I used to become the #1 recruiter in FOUR 
separate direct sales companies in the last 5 years 
online - before my current company even existed
inside this FREE report, you find out HOW 
you can literally go from zero --- with no list --- 
to creating an empire online, in any business you want.
And there's only ONE REASON why I took the time and 
invested the resources to have this report created...
YOU getting the results that you want....
YOU producing sales and recruits like 
you never have before in your life....
YOU finally having the keys to breaking 
through in your business.
That's WHY this report was created!
And you should get it RIGHT NOW 
by leaving your best email in the form on this page.


Get your Free Report

Monday, August 25, 2014

This Can Cost...

Celeste E Weston 

9:14 AM (13 hours ago)
to me



 There is a loss 
        If you don't get it.

          For although money is not here spent,
                    YOU should open your mind for Gifts
                                                 that are graciously sent.

  To your Benefit, This gift comes through 
     with kind regards from us, Empower Network, to YOU


Saturday, August 23, 2014


Celeste E Weston via Unsubscribe

1:35 PM (22 minutes ago)
to me
Surely Celeste

This is it.
    Going Once, Going Twice... (closing) 
 Holy smokes! A couple of days ago we
officially opened up the doors to the Top Producer Formula LIVE webcast. ...
 When the doors opened a tidal wave of folks went rushing to the registration 
 page to secure their seat for the webcast. That built-up demand
pretty much FILLED the entire webcast within AN HOUR of opening. 
And that kind of sucks if you want to get in and have put it off... 
So that's why I'm telling YOU that RIGHT NOW is probably 
your last, best chance to register for the Top Producer Formula 
LIVE webcast. Click here to register now: 

 If you're READY to have some golden nuggets dropped on 
you David Wood is ready (and able) to teach you
 it takes to become a top producer. It's go time, or it'll be "OH NO!" 
time later... Do the right thing and register your seat now:
 The webcast starts tomorrow at 2:00 P M EST and spots are 
already about to fill up.  I really hope you're able to get in while spots are left. 

 Go here and secure your spot NOW!!
Celeste  Weston

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Meat Lovers... Love Meat...Love Freedom...Love Choices

Check me Now 
Lucky Boy's Breakfast Burrito really makes the point...About meat Lovers...
Now that's a real meat lover....
O K that has More Meat.. but here is Lawrence's Point.  Check it
out... He makes a great analysis...
[" Hey there, Meat Lover's...
Have you seen these Jack in the Box breakfast burrito Ads?
It's one of their new menu items for breakfast.
In big Letters
So ...Do you think this message is for those who
- Don't eat meat--- Vegan --- Vegetarian
- Cutting down on eating meat ?????
If the answer is NO
Then you understand a fundamental principle of selling and advertising.
Jack in the Box is "TARGETING" a specific audience for their new menu item.
Breakfast + Burrito + Meat Lover's
If you love MEAT, Burrito's and Breakfast
That's me.                
 My Point   -is
There are a lot of people LIKE me.
And they are okay selling to me and people like me.
Here is the funny part...
I tried to buy it because I needed something real quick to eat while I drove the kids to 6 Flags.
- 6 flags is roller coaster and water ride amusement park
We decided late last night to drive (3hr drive)
Just because it's summer
So check this out.
We drive up to order this meat lover burrito
And the lady at the counter tells me
"Sorry Sir, we do NOT have any tortillas"
2 Things hit me right there.
1) She just called me "SIR"
2) When I can't get something... I REALLY WANT IT NOW
Dang it...
Meat Lover's in my mind now....
This is the same for this new Training that is coming up this Saturday Aug 23.
Click here for access 
It's LIVE only ONCE and I do NOT want to miss it.
And this LIVE webinar is for people like me.
Someone who:
1) doesn't like working a 9 - 5 job
2) doesn't like cubicles
3) wants to make enough money for my wife to never work a job
4) make enough for me to essentially stay home...
5) oh... I hate driving in traffic... blaaah
This LIVE webinar this saturday 
Is something I study because it is for people
Click for your spot

Someone who rather be riding a roller coaster
Selling cool products and making a living,
Without me being stuck on the phone,
Without me being stuck at work,
Without me being stuck in traffic,
Without me being stuck making less than 10k per month,
And that is why I am a student of this type of marketing.
I love automation.
I love working my own hours
I love working from home
I love having my freedom
This is what is on the menu this Saturday
A Big Burrito wrapped in how to...
- sell without selling
- how to generate leads for any business
- how to connect with thousands and build long lasting relationships
I'll buy that each and every time.
And so should you.
Because you are reading our emails  and looking for ways to increase revenue, sales, leads....] 
Now Lawrence and I have a lot of differences but we are in the same business.
We don't meet eye to eye on what a Big Breakfast Burrito is but I agree with him and his wife need to be there Saturday, Aug 23, 2013, 2 PM  
This is a LIVE presentation that I will be on and so should you.
Click for your spot:
see you there
-  Celeste
P S    Who do you think picks the best Meat Lovers burrito?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014



I am not going to call your name again...

Now you are here for something special aren't you?

Have you ever wondered what truly 
successful home business owners, network 
marketers and direct sellers know that most 
people don't?
What do they all have in common? How did they go from zero to smashing success?
 And, how 
can you do the same?

It comes down to focus and formulas. You've got to focus on the right 
activities and follow proven formulas. 
That's what the 6-figure earners, THE $100,000 AND ABOVE industry leaders 
and everyday success stories all do right.
And YOU can do it, too!

In the Top Producer Formula.
You'll see how simple it can be to cultivate your dream life when 
you have the right focus and formulas, and how you can take 
action on what Dave and his special guest will be
sharing and teaching on August 23, 2014.
So with $7 Dollars 
 I also want to personally invite you to join me 
LIVE on camera to hear David Wood and his Guest 
teach these concepts in-depth. It's your turn to arrive. 
Let's make it happen together:
Celeste Weston

The Value Was So HIGH...The PRICE Had To Go UP


Great.  And I pass that along to you too.!
You do realize we are only days away from that awesome training...
I hope your day is starting out like my day has started.  For one thing 
I Feel Great.               
You see what is happening on Saturday is a one time event
You get it  or you Miss it. 
If you are in business with out a plan you just can't see this value.
But if you have a plan and you see the value, you bought in.
because that was a deal.    
Yes that's right....That was a deal.  

The best it was ever going to be.

Now the $7 sale is over....
It now cost $17 for the same value, for the same show.
This is a world wide presentation broadcasting from 
Denver, Colorado....Did You think it was local?
David Wood Lives in Costa Rica, South America and 
the 5 guest live in other places.   They are all being flown 
in for that live presentation...NO JOKE. 
Well Here is the presentation again.  It is not a joke and now
the cost is $17 Dollars...
And by all references the price will go up again before the 
show happens...
   This is a copy of one of my ads:
[You Don't Even Want to Miss this

"This is the lowest cost education packaged event you will ever buy...With a value you can never match.  
Miss this and You Will Miss a once in a Lifetime Event, August 23, 2014
      At the Event...YOU will be Receiving premium training, information and education, 
            From 5 top Leaders in their Marketing fields... Along with
                       THE Legend<<< David Wood>>> being the feature
This event is extra special  You Won't have to Leave Home to gain the Wealth Building Benefits.
 5 to 6 hours of Tactics, Marketing skills & Benefits to raise you to your next levels
 Will be Broadcasting LIVE, World Wide from an exclusive studio In Denver, Colorado---
 If YOU are In Business, Improving Your Business, Expanding Your Business, or Beginning,
 YOU will benefit from this exclusive Event custom created with you in mind.
                                         Access Fee >>$7<<Register NOW, 
Click to register now:
     The event is Saturday, Aug 23, 2014,  2PM  
  HURRY:  Register Now Before the PRICE goes UP]

You know I bet there were some people that thought this was a joke.
I mean $7 for a world wide broadcast of that magnitude.  I am
sure they were saying  " They have got to be Kidding"

Well it was no joke then.  That price offer was to assure that those who really 
wanted to come would have no excuse not to come especially, price.  Now 
They have raised the price  and it will happen again.  
It you are about business you need to be on the web Saturday Afternoon.
Other Wise- I say... Later . 

Celeste Weston

Thursday, August 14, 2014



You know, you can sometimes get things screwed up if the words are not right,
Or if your head is not on straight, or even if you have had a rough one (as in
'rough night').  Take your choice ...SSS-SHSHSH- STUFF happens.  And it did.

Nothing serious, but I did not put this blog online on yesterday.  So?.
Well, yesterday was the opening day of a promotional event for the company.
Last night was when the opening event occurred.  The central element of the
opening night are, of course, persistent and relevant to the function of the
company and can be stated anytime and everywhere there is an audience to
receive that message.

So without further adieu... 'hhheeerrees the Message'

Say, You know,

I know you don't mean to miss out on things...
But Sometimes things just happen because
so I am sending you this copy of the email I
just got from David Wood, the founder and
owner of our company, Empower Network.
It is the invite to affiliates for that special
meeting about what's coming up in the
company starting this week.
You know today is Wednesday!.
Think about that.....

[ Really, this message is going out to members
of the team - and I wanted to make sure you
get it, even if you're not "on the inside" quite

"What if I'm not a member by tonight?" you might
be wondering now.

Well - I hate to say this...

...tonight, you're going to get left behind.

So I wanted to give you an 'extra opportunity'
to get in before 9 p m EST, so I can show you
how I've done things like:

* Recruit 5,000 new reps in 2 years (personally)
* Do over $130 million in sales in my team - just since 2011
* Invent a whole 'new way' of selling online - bringing 
in over 300,000 customers in less than 36 months.
* ...and much, much more.

Tonight, I'm releasing "The Plan" on how I'm going
to help my team create a 'Jesus Storm' of commissions.

(I didn't have another word for it.  I imagined how 
much commissions it was going to be, and the only
way I could visualize it, was imagining Jesus 
multiplying commissions with his "Heavenly-God-Power".)

Love, ]
I hope you really do make it in. 
Celeste E  Weston

P.S.  Disclaimer:  Many sales will be made...  
But  - I can't guarantee that you will make sales too.
Please look at our average earnings disclosure 
by CLICKING HERE before buying or joining anything. 

The company is launching a new, more affordable, front end for individual in 'online and
off line business.