Friday, September 26, 2014

Click This
To check us out tonight For a little somethin' Somethin'

Then we will see you tomorrow  for a follow-up  Click Now



You have a TEAM of some sorts somewhere.  
You have surely been waiting for this PRODUCT.

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Learn How to Build 
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              How you can apply secrets to use in your own team,
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                Learn how you can get registered for a LIVE Web Cast

             This Saturday Afternoon, September 27,2014

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Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Did You forget Just why You are here?

You are not here JUST to Dragg-ass 

and wonder around sniffing the air 

and tasting the flowers.

You did Not have to subscribe just to do that...

You did not come here to pull booggars out of your nose

and wonder 'Should you put that in your mouth or

thump it away through the air to who knows where..

You WOULD THINK you are here to 

learn something useful every day,

to do something daily, to spur your life forward and 

raise your status in life....

What  a waste to be here to 

Just blow smoke up someones ally way,

or to watch that Cyrus chick grinding on an auto's roof top 

seeking answers from a Jinn- that is not driving that car...

Aren't you here for some enlightenment, 

to know more, to do more,  to be more...?

Are You on Facebook?  
My guess is yes.  

Do you have a club, a group, a church, organization?

Take a look and 

Check this out 


Take a look at this technology....

These are useful things to build your life and living.. 

Your eyes are for looking, your ears are for hearing, use them.

Your brain is for thinking.  Apply  it to the task.



Friday, September 19, 2014




Celeste E Weston

:24 AM (2 minutes ago)
to me

Check This out 

If you were or if you are the leader of a group,

And you realized that that group could 

make things happen for you in a special way...

they would benefit you and in turn, you could benefit them,

Would you continue to do what you are doing now, or would YOU

make a serious change? 

If only you could get to know what you need to know

To make that happen?

If you are lying to yourself, STOP IT...

Only YOU can hear what YOU are thinking Now.

Make the Right Decision for your Future CLICK
To see What your future could really be 
with the right information and this is  Free
Celeste Weston

Monday, September 15, 2014

Another gift For YOU

Here's a little gift to you.  Please
open and read,  the words are true:

You are not dreaming 
You are wide awake
This is not a game
Make no Mistake

You arrived here 
Just moments ago
Why did you come this way
Do you even know?

Was it for fame 
or some Bull Shi_ show
Was it for the fun of being 
Aware and in the know. 

Some come to claim a spot
Some come to struggle through 
Getting to the top. 

Well here is something for you
It won't cost you a Dime
It is made for you to view
and freshen your mind.

And you will find 
this special gift  
to open your eyes.   
To See
This is Not a Game.
The income claims represented in this blog post are extraordinary and do not make a guarantee for your success or income level. Please see Empower Network's average affiliate earnings at:

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Here is something for your  'MIND Mill' -

Give this some thought:

You know there is one thing you can do  to improve your life 
and that is 'Be your self' by being true to yourself.

You 'achieve success' when you realize your 'value' and how
impactful you become when you 'share' this 'value' with others.

One of our company leaders, Elena Fraga, explains that  
you can 'achieve success' by asking the question, "Are
there a lot of people like me?"

You unlock the doors to 'success' and there are suddenly 
no limits to what you can 'achieve'. When other people relate 
to you, you discover that you possess talents that others 
don't have, it becomes easier to 'inspire others' and 'share' 
'value', ultimately becoming a source of 'motivation'.

Elena is a breast cancer survivor who continued working 
with Empower Network while undergoing five surgeries in 
eight months as well as chemotherapy.

Many keep revelations like this private and only 'share' such 
information among close friends and family. Elena also 
once thought she should keep it private. However, after 
realizing how strong she became from such a dark 
moment in her life, she made the decision to reach out 
and 'help others' who are in the same predicament.

By sharing, she discovered that she not only 'helped 
others', but she was also able to help herself during the 
process. Elena says:
"Work on yourself more than you work on your business,". 

Your mindset serves as an essential tool when embarking 
on the journey toward 'success'. Without a clear mindset 
and a sense of who you are, you lack 'motivation' for 
yourself and for others who look to you for inspiration.

By neglecting self development opportunities, you also 
neglect the growth of your business and the security of 
your future.

'Success' is discovering that you attract others who find 
your 'value' inspiring, and sharing this 'value' with others 
to help when needed.

As CEO Jonathan Cronstedt reminds us, 'success' is 
based on your work ethic and a willingness to learn. 
Founder David Wood helps others see 'success' 
without giving up their lives as he has mentored 
13 verified millionaires in their 'success'.

Everyone defines 'success' differently. What are 
your views on 'Success' and being successful?

This is just something for you to chew on a bit
as you roll through your life...

Celeste E Weston